an afternoon like most
we have just come in from collecting the newspaper and mail, something usually reuben does when he comes home for lunch, but today he stayed at work. i have just checked facebook to see what all my friends around the world have been accomplishing today: kate's posted a pic of her bub, april has a pic of her great grande jette, destiny and i are reminiscing over texas, new york city ballet is preparing for their season of romeo and juliet, caitlin is pondering whether or not she should grow her hair out, hans is posting his latest quiz results and i just became a fan of frederick, md.
this morning i checked my reader for the latest news: there is a new saliva tst for hiv available in london and these beautiful shoes are on sale (only $760!).
now i am listening to some relaxing music by bonobo while i read the vleck and vleck article "patterns of metabolism and growth in avian embryos". in front of the computer is where i will be for the rest of the day, reading articles and occasionally checking on the laundry.
i look forward to reuben coming home and everyone having dinner because that means i am that much closer to sitting down with my book, the witch of cologne, tonight! and so the evening goes until i turns the lights off and wake up and do the same again tomorrow..