today's awesomeness
this morning started with a quake and while the tremor lasted just long enough to get us thinking 'should we head for a doorway?', it was an interesting experience.
while listening to some 60 second science podcasts this afternoon, i heard about the ugly bug contest on asu's ask a biologist website (go vote!) and the don't dis darwin team trying to keep creationists out of the origin of species.
/ an iceberg floating by macquarie island, photo taken by my supervisor! /
while listening to some 60 second science podcasts this afternoon, i heard about the ugly bug contest on asu's ask a biologist website (go vote!) and the don't dis darwin team trying to keep creationists out of the origin of species.
there's an iceberg out there! apparently they float past nz every once in a while, i seem to remember hearing about one last year or the year before that.