basic black and flat white
i got the BEST packages from mom and dad and AD today! i love birthday goodies, ESPECIALLY when they are clothes (and jewelry and soaps and scents and food)!
i'm thinking of getting a new purse, i've had my current one ever since outlet shopping with mom last year and the handles are starting to wear. i used a smaller one for a while, but it doesn't fit the planner that i have now and i find it essential to have that with me whenever possible because of my bad memory... thanks dad.
i found an article about how flat white coffee is taking off in the uk (via the moment) and thought of mom and AD and how much they loved their flat whites. unfortunately they'll have to wait a couple extra months before they get to have one again.
how awesome does this lego bear look? too bad the exhibition is only on until the end of october otherwise i would love to see it! i've driven by the zoo several times (many accidentally), but never visited. i may have to remedy that in december.
ever heard of white dog? apparently it's unaged whiskey spirit, so being a whiskey fan, i wouldn't mind trying it sometime. not likely that i'll find any here, but the article cites a few makers in the states. i guess it's one more thing to add to my list of stuff to find when i get home in december. that list is getting verrrrrry long... speaking of whiskey, reuben still owes me a bottle of glenmorangie for finishing my thesis!
i'm thinking about starting a knitting project soon, maybe some gloves - it's getting to be that season again! now i just have to steal my knitting needles back from the cats. i wish i could say they are crocheting cats, but really they just like to chase the needles around on the floor.