green things
i've been lucky enough to always have jobs that take me to very interesting places and my te manawa job has been no different! this afternoon i took a trip out to the wastewater treatment plant in the outskirts of palmy town. yes, it was a bit smelly and there was lots of green water, but it was actually a pretty impressive operation. they are entirely powered by gasses released by the neighbouring landfill and gas produced by the bacterial digestion process of the sewage is also used to power portions of the plant with the excess being put back in the national grid.
other green things at work - bugs and frogs! ok, the frogs actually aren't green, but greyish/brown instead. that's because they turned out to be a different species than we were expecting (!!) oops! i need to write a frog blog entry all about it and will share some surprisingly adorable frog pics then. i'll get some pics of all the bugs i've been working with as well :)
You could indeed DIY a glitter heel, it would look fantastic ;)