snippets of life

/ lookin' pretty good in a plastic beard... /
reuben's cousin pam and i posing at a birthday party for our friend andrew... came right after a derby game so still in my swamp city shirt.

/ sandy carter photography /
spotted some black milk muscle leggings at a derby bout a couple months ago - love it! i ordered the black ribs swimsuit and i cannot wait til it gets here :)

spring cleaning in the garden so the balcony looks tidy. it's so windy sometimes that i just can't seem to get all the dirt from blowing back to the doorway so i may have actually vacuumed by the door this weekend...

my baby carrot harvest - i needed to make some space for the expanding broccoli and the fava beans that are popping up.

the poppy costumes i made for me and leesa for wayne's wizard of oz party.


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