diy wardrobe - shorts

finally it's summer!! which means shorts time (and lots of fake tan for my pasty legs). the first set of shorts i made this season was just made a pair of pants that were an entirely weird length on me. so instead of giving them away, i measured them up against a pair of shorts that are a length i really like and cut them off, allowing for a generous amount of hem to roll up. you can't see on the photos (because i am a horrible photographer and can't actually get decent photos out of a real camera so i just stick with my iphone), but there is a grey straight stitch and a white leaf embroidered stitch (yes, i've been experimenting with stitches on the machine).

the second pair was also cut off from a pair of pants that were just a bit short on me, but instead of just hemming them up, i decided to add a little flair by adding a strip of animal print fabric.

/ in the erica garden at hobart's royal tasmanian botanical gardens /
i found the animal print fabric at the arts recycling centre for all of 30 cents and there was just enough for this project and some leftovers for cat toys. i actually have enough scraps for a million cat toys, so maybe all of my cat loving friends will just be getting a box of kitty treats this christmas...

p.s. more to come from our great australia trip soon! in the process of uploading all the photos to picasa.


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