the big move

/ with phillip and nicki at our leaving party /
well, we made it. made our international move and surprised the pants off my mum for her birthday. and because we have been living a bit on the downlow for the past couple months due to not wanting to spoil the surprise and being ridiculously busy, here is a quite photo recap of what we've been up to.

/ reuben graduated as a scholar! /

/ mumpy turned 90 and the whole family celebrated /

/ we traveled to melbourne to celebrate alex and chris' birthdays /

/ my last scrr game supporting foxy pop, photo: sandy carter /

/ one of our first visits when we got into nyc - murray's bagels! /

/ we celebrated national hot dog day with a visit to hot grill and rutt's hutt /

/ reuben and i attended a live broadcast of the piers morgan show /

/ reuben's first yankees game. possibly mine too /

/ justin willman's show at the highline ballroom - seriously, watch him! /

/ a visit to dc to see craig, and eat a chili half-smoke at ben's chili bowl /

/ a trip down to st. mary's for relaxation and a lot of steamed crabs /

/ on to ijamsville and frederick for a few days to visit the parents /

/ mets game with lots of family /

/ AD and i watched silvia compete at the empire dance championship /

this is obviously just a small slice of what we have been up to, but now that i'm at least a little caught up, i can get back to blogging as usual.

follow me on instagram and check out more pics :)


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