can't keep my eyes open...

i have been ridiculously tired this week for no apparent reason. though i will blame it on the cats. i synched some blinks while watching a little tv during dinner and was in bed by 9:30! those cats better not wake me up at 4am again.

i have been following a new (to me) blog on my google reader for a bit now and i absolutely love it: street anatomy. anatomy in art, isn't it beautiful? etsy also has some really awesome anatomy-related jewelry and i favorite a dozen of them a week. like this thoracic pendant or a vein-shaped jewelry hanger. 'veins' was one of the organs i missed on the 'how many internal organs can you name' quiz i found on i heart guts, another new fave site. i had to love this site not only because they have adorable organ illustrations, but because they have a link to giant microbes, something i discovered a few years ago and have even gifted to my favourite doctor :) their new website looks great.

both sites have links to lots of other great anatomy stuff, which i could explore all night... if only i could keep my eyelids open...


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