caroling already :)

/ holiday owls felt soap by persnicketypelican is out of stock, but there's lots of other cute stuff in the shop /

yesterday reuben and i did all of our christmas shopping, all in one afternoon! ok, maybe only 95% because i haven't gotten his present yet, but all of my overseas friends and family are taken care of. it all started when i realised there were only 8 days left (as suggested by the post office) to send out my gifts, so i headed down to the farmer's market to see if they had any appropriate goodies and i came back with one person sorted. but then reuben suggested we just go to a few shops and see if we couldn't finish off our list. while heading to whitcouls (one of my fave places for cards and stationery) in the plaza, i discovered that there is a new lush store that just opened about a month ago! YUM!! after going back and forth between a few shops, we ended up getting nearly everything from one shop and heading home after a quick stop at the warehouse for wrapping paper.

i convinced reuben to let me play some christmas carols and i set off wrapping. we spread everything out around the lounge and the kitties went absolutely crazy with all of the bags and paper and boxes and bits or wrapping paper everywhere. by the end of the night, it looked like some elves got in a fight. and i'm pretty sure the cats were playing in the mess all night long because they didn't come visit us until their 6:30 am wake-up call. the tissue paper balls they were batting around are now shredded into a million pieces, sort of resembling snow. and THAT is why there is no way we can have a christmas tree this year because it wouldn't survive for 10 minutes in the paws of our kittens!


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