/ garden markers by monkeysalwayslook /

i took the day off to get some serious writing done, but it was so sunny outside that i decided to take an hour to do some 'gardening' and get the rest of the pots planted with the herbs we bought last week. i started by harvesting some vermicast from my worm bin to mix in with the soil of unknown origin that was left in the pots from the last resident. i couldn't bring myself to dig up aston's favourite patch of grass, so i just did two pots of basil and one of parsley. fingers crossed that my first attempt at herb gardening turns out with at least one or two plants!

/ aston on his turf /

/ noli on her lookout /

the wormies got a big feed of potato and pumpkin skins from last night's thanksgiving feast! while making pumpkin pie from fresh pumpkin resulted in pumpkin puree EVERYWHERE, the pie turned out very yum! the kitties even licked my puree covered fingers clean.

/ my pilgrim pumpkin pie for our kiwi thanksgiving /


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