everyday fantasia

/ haute boheme via a glamorous little side project /
title from this interesting article about synesthesia, which seemed appropriate since this week's theme is colourful fragrances... 

/ colourful fragrances of the week /
what if you actually could smell colours? i imagine synesthesia could be annoying sometimes, but pretty amazing at other times.

love potions perfume - kim's pink & orange dragon
wylde ivy - black cat
auric blends - amber
wylde ivy - azure
velvet moon bathery (now out of business) - black shadows
love potions perfume - blue corn girl

/ silks acrobat at el circo in sydney /
one scent for each day this week, so i kept my nose busy. my favourite? definitely blue corn girl - a sweet carnival popcorn scent that reminded me of our 'aroma' course at el circo in sydney where we were given balloons filled with a candied popcorn scent that made our mouths water. close runners up were kim's pink & orange dragon and black cat.


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