alan! alan! alan!

yesterday was a busy but very good day! i went to work for a few hours and then i was off to campus to see two masters proposal talks for the ecology group, both having to do with kiwi. then i had my own talk to do for the wildlife club about my research, which i think went pretty well. it felt like i was talking a mile a minute in order to get all of my information in, but according to emma i sounded smart and knowledgeable about my topic :) that's a plus. i was a lot less nervous about this talk because it was primarily students versus lots of professors. and i had a few friends in the audience as well as one of my supervisors.

emma was down from rotorua for her conservation biology class. it's been really cool to be able to see her a couple times a month, though i can't imagine it's easy for her doing all that traveling! anyway, she treated me to a birthday dinner at a japanese place a few blocks away so we had a few fun hours of eating and chatting. at home emma, reuben and i all huddled under a blanket on the couch and watched funny youtube videos for a while, including the bbc talking animals clips which had us all rolling. the marmot clip was my fave. my second favourite is the very beginning of this clip. night time.. day time! night time... day time!


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