diy wardrobe week project #1
in order to get some of my sewing projects done, i have issued myself a personal challenge to create one new/recycled/repurposed item of clothing for every work day this week. you might think i am cheating a little because it's a short week due to labour day yesterday, but i work saturdays so i'm still getting 5 items out of this plan.
my first project was a circle skirt made from some stretchy wool remnants i picked up from the fabric store around the corner. this was a project inspired by a pair and a spare, a diy fashion blog i've been following for a couple months. unlike her project, my fabric was stretchy so i didn't use a zipper, i used a thick elastic so it was uber easy. i also added an extra under-layer in a tight mini-skirt style because of the ridiculous wind in palmy, which i also folded over to add a nice detail on the waistband of the skirt.
i was also pretty lazy and didn't hem the skirt. the material cut nicely so the raw edge didn't look bad, so i left it that way! all in all, the first project went well.